Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Locating newsfeeds

I tried each search tool on the list and found that I liked Blogline and Topix.net the most. If I had to choose between the two, I would go for Topix.net because it was just so user-friendly :D There were links jumping out at you all over the place and it was really easy for me to find something I liked without even using their search bar. For Blogline you have to use the search bar and be as specific as you would while googling. ..

Syndic8.com was probably the least appealing to me because of all the pie graphs and just the roughness of the interface.

Managed to find a feed with science and technology news with Topix.net which had really interesting articles... like how our solar system is "dented" and that the universal law of competition is governed by rock-paper-scissors :O

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